Skitours - Skimountaineering



Destinations: During the whole season we go on tour with lots of different destinations depending on the local conditions.

We guarantee a wonderful experience off the beaten tracks.


Registration: about 10 days in advance
Equipment: (can also be rented !)


  • touring-skies with touring-binding in good condition
  • fitting climbing skins
  • skiing boots or touring boots
  • avalanche transceiver, shofel and probe
  • weatherproof clothing
  • gloves and cap
  • sunglasses and snowgoggles
  • backpack with about 35 liter capacity
  • food and hot drinks depending on your needs


Meeting point: after prior consultation.
Number of participants: minimum 2 persons or single guiding. Maximum 4 persons or special group- tours.
Weather: normally it should be possible to take a trip in every weather conditions, but if it is not possible to realise it because of unpredictable reasons, it can of course be cancelled. (see also "T&C´s   Item 5")
Prices: special arrangement. the prices include only the tax for the guide !


Off Piste Skiing

          Dream in white snow      

Every weekend and in the holidays even on weekdays we do off-piste-skiing wherever we can find good conditions.

Wonderful, long downhills in deep powder snow , sometimes combined with short ascents are on our list. We take you directly from the skiing area of the "Rauriser Hochalmbahnen" to the wide unspoilt slopes of the Rauriser Tal.


Registration: about 10 days in advance
Equipment: (can also be rented !)
  • skies in good condition
  • normal skiing gear
  • skiing boots
  • avalanche transceiver, shofel and probe
  • gloves and cap
  • sunglasses and snowgoggles


Meeting point: as arranged
Transfer: is organized and included in the price
Number of participants: minimum 2 persons or single guiding. Maximum 4 persons or special group- tours.
Weather: normally it should be possible to take a trip in every weather conditions, but if it is not possible to realise it because of unpredictable reasons, it can of course be cancelled. (see also "T&C´s   Item 5")
Prices: special arrangement. the prices includes only the tax for the guide and the transfer to the base terminal of the skiing-area.

Avalanche knowledge for practical use

          avalanche training                                

especially for snowboarders, off-piste-skiers and ski-mountaineers.

Registration: about 10 days in advance
Order of events:
12.00 meeting point at top terminal Rauriser Hochalmbahnen
12.30 general part:
  • equipment knowledge (avalanche transceiver, probe, shovel,..)
  • check of instruments and equipment
  • avalanches: origin and development, kinds, danger
  • knowledge of different kinds of snow
  • how to identify "avalanche-danger"
  • assessment of signs and indications of nature
  • to go or not to go... ?!
  • decision-strategy, tips


13.30 special part:
  • behaviour at the ascent
  • behaviour at the descent
  • practical exercise with the avalanche transceiver
  • what to do after locating the victim
  • rescue and supply of the victim


15.30 end of the event


Dates: after prior consultation
Place: skiing area of Rauriser Hochalmbahnen
Number of participants: at least 5 persons
Equipment: ski- or snowboard gear. If you already own a avalanche transceiver, shovel and probe you can bring them with you. If not we can offer you this equipment for rental.
Prices: the prices include only the tax for the guide.


Iceclimbing on frozen waterfalls

           climbing the "Blaue Hyäne" at Kolm Saigurn, Rauris          


Destinations: Ice-climbing and mixed- climbing at the  "Rauriser Eisarena".

Equipped with crampons and ice axes we improve in climbing on these natural cascades of frozen water.

Optimally saved we experience the dimension of this fascinating variety of mountaineering. There are numerous routes with lots of different degrees of difficulty that guarantee a wonderful feeling.

Registration: about 10 days in advance
Equipment: (can also be rented !)


  • climbing boots with stable soles
  • weatherproof clothing
  • gloves and cap
  • sunglasses
  • backpack with about 35 liter capacity
  • food and hot drinks depending on your needs
  • crampons
  • climbing- harness
  • helmet
  • 2 ice axes


Meeting point: after prior consultation.
Number of participants: maximum 2 persons
Weather: normally it should be possible to take a trip in every weather conditions, but if it is not possible to realise it because of unpredictable reasons, it can of course be cancelled. (see also "T&C´s   Item 5")
Prices: special arrangement. the prices include only the tax for the guide !


An overview of the routes and cascades do you find here

accept the  "general terms and conditions"

© Wolfgang Rohrmoser 2025

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